Monday 18 March 2013

Introductory workshops to electronics/physical computing



Monday 4 March 2013

Bay Area Art Events

BAY AREA ART EVENTS (not inclusive/please send me galleries, and other art events 
and locations that are missing)


ARTIST TELEVISION ACCESS (ATA)993 Valencia St, SF CA,    Tel:824-3890
ASIAN ART GALLERY 200 Larkin St, SF Tel: 581-3500
CARTOON ART MUSEUM 655 Mission St SF  415-car-toon
CELLSPACE 2050 Bryant Street, SF 415.648.7562
Counter Pulse,1310 Mission Street,SF 415.626.2060
DEYOUNG MUSEUM 50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park
Grey Area Foundation For The Arts (Gaftta) 923 Market St, Ste 200, SF CA 843-1423
INTERSECTION FOR THE ARTS446 Valencia Street. SF CA, Office: 415-626-2787
Jewish Museum,736 Mission Street (between Third and Fourth street 415.655.7800
MEXICAN MUSEUM Fort Mason Ctr, Building D, SF 415.202.9700
MOMA - Museum of Modern Art, 151 Third Street, SF CA (Tickets: 866.468.3399/ $8./students)
Museum of the African Diaspora, 685 Mission Street (at Third),415.358.7200
New Langton Arts ,1246 Folsom St. SF (415) 626-5416
Root Division 3175 17th St, SF 415.863.7668
THE LAB 2948 16th Street, SF, Tel:415-864-8855 
THE LUGGAGE STORE 1007 market street (nr 6th), San Francisco, CA 94103, Tel. 415. 255-5971 

YERBA BUENA CENTRE FOR THE ARTS 701 Mission St @ 3 rd , SF, CA   Tel:415.978.2787
SOUTHERN EXPOSURE GALLERY 401 Alabama St, SF CA Tel: 863-2141 
1246 Folsom St, SF Tel: 863-1001
SF ARTS COMMISSION GALLERY  401 Van Ness Ave, SF Tel: 554-6080 


BAY AREA VIDEO COALITION 2727 Mariposa Street, 2nd Floor, SF CA 861.3282
CellSpace 2050 Bryant St. SF 648-7562 
300 De Haro St. SF CA, Tel: 565-0545
CINEMATIQUE     145 9th st. SF CA Suite 240,552-1990
The Crucible,1035 Murray Street, Berkeley, 510-843-5511
EXPLORATORIUM, the Palace of Fine Arts, 3601 Lyon Street SF (415) 561-0399
FILM ARTS FOUNDATION 145 9th St, #101, San Francisco, CA 94103 | 
NOISEBRIDGE 2169 Mission St, SF CA
The Crucible 1260 7th Street Oakland, (510) 444-0919
PACIFIC FILM ARCHIVES 2625 Durant, Berkeley 
Society of the Long Now Fort Mason Center, Building A San Francisco, CA 9412  415.561.6582


ART, TECHNOLOGY AND CULTURE COLLOQUIUM -- UC BERKLEY (510) 643-9565 Wednesday Evenings, 7:30-9:00pm 160 Kroeber Hall, which is near the southeast corner of campus, across Bancroft Way from the Berkeley Art Museum. Free
(Listen to past Art, Technology and Culture Colloquium in the Archives)
CCA- California College of Art1111 8th St, SF CA 94131
SFAI - San Francisco Art Institute, 800 Chestnut St. SF CA 
Leonardo - Art & Science Lecture Series
MOMA - Museum of Modern Art, 151 Third Street, SF CA
YLEM - Artists using Science Tuesday forums @The Exploratorium, 3601 Lyon St SF CA (Free)

Thursday 14 February 2013

Art 410 Schedule

SP 2013 – San Francisco State University, Art Department
Art 410                        Conceptual Strategies
Day/Time:                   Tuesday (Creative Arts Computer Lab, Creative arts Building, Rm 265)
                                       Thursday (Fine Arts Room 538)
                                       9:10-11:50 am)
Units/Hrs:                   3 units/3 hours per week
Instructor:                   Paula Levine
Office/Phone:             Fine Arts Rm. 537/ 415-337-0753
Office hours:              T/Th 12:15-1:45, and by appointment

Tues (CACL 260)
Thurs (FA 538)


Course Intro.
Course introduction:
On CIA- area, focus, courses, art & artists

Assignment: Due Jan. 31
1. Create a dedicated blog for the class and bring in your url.

2. Search through Steve Wilson’s Links on Art-Science-Technology ( Select an area of interest and blog 3 artists/works. Of these , select one to present to the class from your blog
Presentations:  Selected artists working in Art-Science—Technology from Steve Wilson’s Links

Reading 1 & Presentations: Due Feb 14:
 As We May Think by Vannevar Bush.

This is a seminal article from 1941 by the man who directed the Manhattan Project that designed the atomic bomb in WW11. Bush writes about technology from his point in time, and makes predictions about future technological changes.
Write: Blog a response to the article. Comment on Bush’s vision of the future. How accurate was he? What limited or informed his predictions?

Make your own 3 predictions future technological changes, developing at least one of these predictions in an area you chose to select from Steve’s links.

Do some searching online or in primary material (library+books) to see what the current innovations are in your selected area(s) to root your predictions in currently emerging changes and developments. Blog your predictions in your journal, along with any drawings, images or sketches of what you envision.  Use your blog to make a 5 minute presentation on your vision of the future.

Inventions of Leonardo di Vinci

Biography of Vannevar Bush

Vannevar Bush - Inventor of the week
Mining new ground
Feb. 5
Intro to the computer lab:
-                   Procedures
-                   Storage (and connection to the CIA lab)
-                   Policies re: printing on campus
-                   How to handle machine failure
-                   Relationship between the two labs
-                   Sharing knowledge and information – trading skill for skill

In-class exercise:  
MindMeld – CollectiveSpeedBrainBlog
Create an ongoing collection of ideas to share

In 10 minutes, blog as many ideas as you can on your blogs. These can be words, phrases, thoughts, ideas, what you might want to do with materials, performance ideas,  things you fear, hate, love, miss, desire, things you want to record in sound, video, memory, what you want to build…

Don’t “make sense” of anything that comes to mind. Just spew from brain to 0101010010…

 “Everyday is a beautiful day, providing that you don’t have notion of ‘beautiful’ in you.” John Cage
1.      No censorship
2.      No edits
3.      No use of the words or questions like: Is this any good? This is stupid. I can’t think of anything. I’m not creative. I can’t think fast, etc.
Assignment 1: Chance  Operations Project (collaboration)
Due Feb. 21
(See Assignment 1: Chance on course blog)

Talk: Chance as a way of working and artists using chance operations

• You will be randomly assigned to a partner in class and will have
some open time to begin planning with your partner.

Feb. 12
9:10-10:10:  Library orientation by Darlene Tong, Head, Faculty Co-Chair & Creative Arts Library Liason

Please meet in the new library, rm 289. promptly at, or before 9:10.

Darlene’s areas of resource research expertise include:
       American Studies
10:30: meet in CACL
- Review of Chance Operation assignments in progress
Class discussion: Vannevar Bush and As we may think
From 1941 to now/ from now to 60 years hence

Class discussion of article, As you may think and presentations of your predictions.

Please have your responses to the article on  your blogs along with your three predictions of life and technology in 2073.

Feb. 19
Introduction to Google Earth

Talk: New cartography- tools, artists, works

Assignment 2: Virtual Intervention  
(See assignment description)
You will need a camera (your cell phone is fine as long as you know how to transfer images from your cell to the screen)

Demo: Google Earth Basics

Presentations, Discussion and Critiques of
Assignment  1: Chance operations

Please bring in the chance pieces if they are portables. Everyone should have your chance instructions as well as documentation of their pieces on their blogs.

Please prepare a presentation of your projects (max 10 min.). Discuss what you did and what you ended up with:
-  How does it relate to other things you do?
-  Can it be used as an idea for other projects?
-  Talk about it in terms of ‘aesthetics’

Feb. 26
Continue working on Virtual Intervention pieces.

Google Earth continued-
• Producing and transferring GPS Tracks
• Working with QR Codes

Introduction to upcoming workshop:
Citizen Mapping using Aerial photography
Guest: Stewart Long, from Public Laboratory

Related Links:

Mar 5
Complete Virtual Intervention project:
• Documenting work in Google Earth
-        photos, sound and video
  Automating movement in GE: Making tours
• Exporting your kmz files
• Presentations and discussions or work
Workshop: Citizen mapping-

Guest: Stewart Long, from Public Laboratory

Mar 12
Photoshop1: Basics
-        Pixels
-        Resolution
-        Image size
-        Layers
• Open lab: work on composite of images from Aerial mapping for view on Thurs.
• Class presentations: Artists using mapping

• Discussion of reading
Mar 19
Open lab: Review of tools todate

•Assignment #4: Tourism
Review of project (see Assignment #4: Tourism)

Bring in digital files of images you want to use in making a poster for your tourism project.

Photoshop 2:
-        Masks
-        Batch processing
Talk: On tourism : being a citizen of the world
From 17th century Wunderkammer (cabinets of wonder)  to 19th century stereograms to 21st century skype

Class presentations:
What does tourism look like? The good/the bad/the ugly.

Bring in examples of the language, appearance, style, ways of persuasion that tourism materials use to bring the tourists to them. Ideas:
-        Search current and historical tourist materials for the same place. How has it changed?
-        Compare famous and not-so-famous places through tourist ads.
-        Search tourism in your home town. How does it appear similar or different? What are the gaps between the way it’s portrayed and what you experience?

Have your materials on your blogs and make a 5 minute presentation on what you found.  What works? What doesn’t? What’s camp? What’s high culture? What’s low culture? Who’s the audience?

Mar 26


Apr 2
Photoshop 3:
-        Image alteration
-        Compression options and outcomes
-        File size and print size

• Continue working on your tourist poster. Keep all text in a separate layer.
Class review of posters in process.

Please print out your poster for discussion.

Apr 9
From Photoshop to Illustrator:
Introduction to Illustrator:
-        bitmapped versus vectors
-        tools, workspace
-        outline and fill
-        layers

Bring your digital poster image to class. You will be importing it into Illustrator to complete.


Apr 16
Illustrator 2:
-        Tracemapping
-        Working with Bezier curves
-        Working with text

Continue working on your tourist poster in Illustrator.

Talk: On Monuments.

Presentation: Your ideas for, and preliminary sketches of your site’s monument  or landmark.

Apr 23
Demo: Sketch up
Bring your sketches to class.

Class discussion of readings on tourism and  monuments

Class presentations of related artists and projects

Apr 30
Sketch up continues
- Bringing your designs into Google Earth

May 2
Individual meetings

May 7
Open Lab

Open lab

May 14
Final Presentations

Final Presentations

Final Exams-University Wide
